
OTTAVA TVでは継続して、ウイーン国立歌劇場のアーカイブの視聴が可能となっています。今回は、下記の公演のアーカイブを視聴しました。

視聴可能期間 05月08日(日) 02:00-05月09日(月) 02:00

マスネ ウェルテル(2017年3月31日公演)

Jules Massenet’s Werther is based on Goethe’s famous epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers). The operatic version of this tragic story about the unhappy young Werther, who is driven to suicide by his unfulfilled passion for the married Charlotte, has moved audiences for generations. The opera has a special connection with Vienna, as its world premiere took place to great success at the Wiener Staatsoper in 1892! In the current production by Andrei Serban the story is set in the 1950s. French conductor Frederic Chaslin, who has a longstanding and close relationship with the house, will lead the performance series in September.

指揮 Frederic Chaslin
