
OTTAVA TVでは継続して、ウイーン国立歌劇場のアーカイブの視聴が可能となっています。今回は、下記の公演のアーカイブを視聴しました。詳細はオーディオ実験室のページで報告いたします。

視聴可能期間 04月25日(土) 02:00-04月26日(日) 02:00

プッチーニ 蝶々夫人(2018年12月7日公演)

US-American Lieutenant Pinkerton marries Cio-Cio-San, but only for a short time; a commonly accepted convention at this time. Whilst for him it was but a fleeting affair, for her, it was true love. After his departure, she waits longingly for his return. When he finally reappears, Cio-Cio-San ? the mother of his child ? realises that he has remarried. Out of utter desperation, she kills herself: “He who can no longer live an honorable life must die honorably”.

指揮 Jader Bignamini

演出 Josef Gielen

Cio-Cio-San Ana Maria Martinez

Suzuki Bongiwe Nakani

B.F. Pinkerton Andrea Car